楼主 |
发表于 2009-3-2 04:51:27
来自: 英国
而且爸爸是低分化,恶性程度之高我是领教过了,所以觉得还是加服西乐葆比较保险。西乐葆可以抑制血管生成,所以对于转移是有一定的抑制作用的,但是这是对于血行转移而说。不管怎样双保险总是让人放心一点。我看到一个国外的病人易加西乐葆的效果很好,有些心动,但是她用的剂量挺高的,一天800毫克,应该是4片。她从2004年3月服用易,5月有进展,6月开始加服西乐葆,一直到07年6月的时候还很稳定,如果我爸爸也能保持这么长时间就太好了。 我想让爸爸先服用400毫克一天看看。
Hi Priscilla, I am on Iressa - Tarceva's sister drug. Started on it for stage IV bronchoalveolar carcinoma (all through my lungs but no where else) in March 2004. I had a slight progression by May so was started on high dose celebrex (800 mgs/day) in June 2004 and have been basically stable ever since. It has worked for me.
What to look for: I put myself on a low salt diet to help protect my liver and kidneys and that is working. I bruise easier than I used to but have had no clotting or other issues. And, the high dose celebrex has nearly eliminated the leg cramps from the Iressa and my arthritis does not bother me at all anymore. :-) Hope this helps, Beverly |