
楼主: jaydad

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发表于 2013-5-11 19:03:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 法国
1- 手术后的分期是什么?分化程度如何?
2- 特罗凯用了将近一年的时间,耐药的依据是什么?哪里进展了?
3- 骨转是什么性质?溶骨还是成骨转移?10年2月发现骨转,到5月了为什么还继续用力比泰化疗?
4- 全脑放疗后,肿瘤是否缩小或者消失?
5- 开始吃克时,除了脑转,骨转外,是否还有别的实体瘤?吃克后是否都有缩小?
6- 现在还在吃AP吗?
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-12 03:23:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
南竹 发表于 2013-5-11 19:03
1- 手术后的分期是什 ...

1- 手术后的分期是什么?分化程度如何?
IIB, T1N1M0.  中高 moderate to well differentiated adenocarcinoma
2- 特罗凯用了将近一年的时间,耐药的依据是什么?哪里进展了?
肝转, 胸壁长, 淋巴活跃
3- 骨转是什么性质?溶骨还是成骨转移?10年2月发现骨转,到5月了为什么还继续用力比泰化疗?
没有溶骨吧 - 还真没有查问过. 腰/下背部痛, ZOMETA (择泰)一打就不痛可以回球场玩了.  力比泰化疗对我几乎没副作用, 还是能延缓肿瘤生长. 其实现在给我再打也没问题, 只是药试公司肯定不肯啦
4- 全脑放疗后,肿瘤是否缩小或者消失?
没有. 只是暂时不长了.  因为克替尼紧接着用,就不知谁的控脑转功劳大.
5- 开始吃克时,除了脑转,骨转外,是否还有别的实体瘤?吃克后是否都有缩小?
有右肺结节,左胸壁增厚,淋巴肿大,肝阴影,骨病变等等. 没有任何缩小,只是稳定(SD, stable disease)
6- 现在还在吃AP吗?
是的.  快十个月了, 没有副作用.

八年抗癌, 每日感恩.  我本尘土, 短暂经过.  蒙恩罪人, 荣耀归主.  GOD BLESS YOU AND FAMILY


您是一个虔诚的信徒 愿妈妈的主耶稣和我们同在 我的妈妈信主耶稣 她是七十五岁信耶稣 九十七岁离世  发表于 2015-3-11 16:14
另外想咨询一下戴先生,AP的副作用和LDK378相比有些什么不同呢?谢谢了。  发表于 2013-5-14 00:53
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-5-12 14:49:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国安徽六安
祝福楼主  愿好人一生平安
发表于 2013-5-13 09:46:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁大连
发表于 2013-5-14 00:40:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 英国
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-14 09:59:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
jaydad 发表于 2013-5-12 03:23
1- 手术后的分期是什么?分化程度如何?
IIB, T1N1M0.  中高 moderate to well differentiated adenocar ...

问得好. 我答的只代表个人意见和偏见.  

两个都是 2,4-氨基嘧啶 结构(2,4-aminopyrimidine derivatives). The biggest difference between LDK378 (C28H36ClN5O3S) and AP26113 (C26H34ClN6O2P) is toxicity profile.  LDK 侧链是硫(sulfonyl 磺酰), AP侧链是磷(phosphoryl 磷酰).  


2nd gen ALKi: LDK378 vs AP26113

From an insider and key figure in the development of ALKi agents, I learned recently that

1) LDK378 was meant to compete with Pifizer's Xalkori/ crizotinib. It is by Pharma giant Novartis 诺华制药, and it surely will win the race to reach the market over Ariad. It may even take significant chunk of market from Xalkori/ crizotinib;

2) Exactly because of the rush to ca$h, Novartis R&D did not do a good job in fine tuning the selection of candidate for final development.

Based on my own information not from the "insider" above, LDK378 is basically a trim-down version of the former ALKi agent TAE684, which was published here - http://www.pnas.org/content/104/1/270.full
Though Novartis is very shy about showing it, I have the exact formular structure for LDK378 in case anyone wants it.

I think the problem with TAE684/ LDK378 lies in its sulfonyl side chain structure. It is almost apparent now that Norvatis wasn't able to bring TAE684 to the clinic/market likely due to toxicity concerns and subsequently lost the honor of "ALKi First-to-Market" to Pfizer's crizotinib. Whereas Novartis really should have reinvented and replaced the sulfonyl phenyl (磺酰苯基) side chain with something else, what they did was - they picked up a trim-down version of TAE684 likely with slightly lower toxicity but still with intact sulfonyl phenyl side chain. Let me ask you, what natural molecules in our body that has a sulfonyl group? None! It has to be detoxified before it can be eliminated and excreted out. What organ does detoxification?

3) On the opposite, the scientist(s) took their time at Ariad. They are a small company, can't afford to risk mistake. Ap26113 is going to be either their 2nd (blockbuster) success or 1st (major/catastrophic) failure. Their development of the leukemia drug ponatinib (Iclusig) really reflect the respect for science and pursuit of the best molecule. I don't have more info about AP26113 than all that is in the public domain, but I can tell you for sure that everything else being about equal, in place of LDK378's sulfonyl phenyl group, AP26113 has the phosphonyl phenyl (磷酰苯基)group. Hey, everyone, are we going to worry about a little extra phosphate-containing molecules in our body? I think not.

Disclaimer: I am on AP26113 and do own a few hundred shares of Ariad stock. So, your loss may even become my gain, as much as a few hundred $.

补充: 谁在幕后为争$把WZ4002发现发明人告上法庭, 害得美国EGFR阳性肺癌病人失去一二代药失效后的生存机会?
NOVARTIS - "诺华制药抢钱公司"
发表于 2013-5-14 23:40:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 法国
本帖最后由 南竹 于 2013-5-14 23:42 编辑
jaydad 发表于 2013-5-14 09:59
问得好. 我答的只代表个人意见和偏见.  

两个都是 2,4-氨基嘧啶 结构(2,4-aminopyrimidine derivative ...

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-15 02:31:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
南竹 发表于 2013-5-14 23:40
对于药物的分子结构作为病人的我完全不懂,从您的文字里我是不是可以理解为诺 ...

crizotinib 从药试到上市短短三年时间, 跟PFIZER的强大(世界第三)有关. AIRAD是中小公司, 技术精湛但能耐很有限. AP药能成功,公司就有可能会被并吞. 明年有可能进三期, 离上市还得最起码3年吧, 前途未卜.  竞争很激烈, 对手LDK378是巨霸 NOVARTIS (世界第二) 的, CH5404802是大霸 (世界第五) ROCHE的.  NOVARTIS现在非常的aggressive, 很可能把LDK378和AUY922一对抗ALK药在两年内推上市, 夺回PFIZER的地盘. 我若为钱应该买抢钱公司的股票. 买ARIAD就丢光了也就当我赞助他们做研究.  


很赞同您的想法,为Ariad加油。 哎,只是看来AP是没有机会吃上了,可惜可惜。 祝福戴先生治疗一路平安!  发表于 2013-5-15 15:53
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