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楼主: 白山


发表于 2011-2-14 11:25:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
发表于 2011-2-14 21:31:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复 1# 白山 的帖子

Case report: A previously healthy, 35-year-old male was working in a factory making animal feed mixes. One of his tasks was to add salinomycin granules into a ‘worm’ screw as chicken grain feed flowed past. An accidental blowback of the salinomycin granules occurred resulting in inhalation and swallowing of a small amount despite washing out of the mouth. A few minutes later he became acutely unwell with nausea, shortness of breath, and dizziness. He arrived in the emergency department 30 minutes after exposure, where he was found to be agitated and complaining of leg weakness, nausea, and photophobia. The patient was alert and orientated despite his emotional distress and appeared markedly pale and diaphoretic, with a bounding pulse of 110/min, blood pressure 156/76, oxygen saturation 100%, and temperature 36.2°C. Examination of the chest, abdomen and skin was unremarkable, and neurological examination revealed bilateral leg weakness and moderate photophobia. It was difficult to make a detailed neurological assessment because of the patient’s agitation, but he was orientated and there were no obvious localising lesions of either the cranial nerves or limbs. On contacting the National Poisons Centre (University of Otago Medical School, P O Box 913, Dunedin, tel 0800 POISON, www.toxinz.com) for advice, we discovered that there were no human data available for poisoning with this substance. Animal data suggested that the patient might have a transient hypernatraemia and weakness. No specific antidotes were known to exist and the patient was treated supportively with oral charcoal 50 g, oxygen 10 L/min by mask, and intravenous fluids (1 L normal saline); and admitted for observation.
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