发表于 2010-6-25 11:55:37
来自: 中国浙江宁波
是的,首几日也是每小时1g,不要一下子吃很多。 第一天2-3g 我觉的差不多了,4,5天之加到10g
It is important to understand that MSM will cause gastrointestinal (GI) issues at doses of 4 grams or more unless they slowly build up to these higher doses. You might start at 4 grams a day (spread out over 4 doses of 1 gram each), and increase that dose by 4 grams a day until you reach your desired dosage.
这里就是说一次性4g会引起肠道反应,所以建议首日4g,而且分成四次,每次1g。 后一天慢慢往上加,加上适合你的量为止。至于什么量是最适合你的,看这里
How much MSM per day you take is up to you, but a dose of 20 grams a day is perfectly safe for anyone except small children. But a dose of 40 grams or more would only be for people in treatment mode, such as for arthritis pain or who have cancer with potential swelling.
就说即使是20g也是安全的(除了小孩), 如果关节疼痛(所以MSM还可以减少疼痛)或者有(潜在)水肿现象的可以加到40g
The toxic dose of MSM (e.g. LD50 or LD-50) is about 2,000 grams per day, for a person about 220 pounds. However, it is not advisable for a person to take more than 80 grams per day, for a 200 pound person, just to be on the very safe side.
不过我觉的先加到10g看看吧,其他资料也是说at least 10g /day
最后,还可以补充酶(全身性系统酶),有辅助作用的。 还可以吃一些提高携氧量的东西(虽然msm本身也具备这一功能)
[ 本帖最后由 jomn111 于 2010-6-25 12:01 编辑 ] |