发表于 2012-8-6 20:59:13
来自: 中国山西吕梁
本帖最后由 shany 于 2012-8-6 21:00 编辑
计旭 发表于 2012-8-6 19:33 
这个就是那个 megamin 药物,我从网上查了一下,是一种叫“沸石”的维生素药物,有没有朋友知道这种保健品在 ...
[Megamin, faith, hope and placebos---a critical review].
[Article in Croatian]
Momcilović B.
Institut za medicinska istrazivanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb. momcilovic@imi.hr
Megamin is a registered nutriceutical in Croatia. Allegedly, it consists mostly of a naturally occurring zeolite (aluminum silicate) ion-exchange material tagged with vitamins and minerals. Mass-media claimed that Megamin possessed strong anticancer properties although it had not been tested through an appropriate, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover clinical trial. The paper uses Megamin as a paradigmatic model to discuss how higher neurocognitive functions like hope and faith may be related to the placebo effect and give an illusion of symptomatic well being without supporting evidence in the objective signs of the disease. The only plausible role of Megamin is that it reduces gastrointestinal toxic burden by affecting the anaerobic fermenting processes after digestion of food and by removing harmful metabolites after medical treatment of cancer and/or liver and kidney organ failure. The psychological effect of unwarranted mass-media claims about the beneficial role of Megamin in cancer treatment is scrutinized.
Megamin, 信念,希望,以及安慰剂——一份批评性综述
在克罗地亚Megamin是一种注册营养药。据称,该药的主要成分是一种加入了维生素和矿物质的天然沸石(硅酸铝)离子交换材料。虽然至今还未得到合理设计的随机双盲并有安慰剂对照的交叉临床试验验证,大众媒体宣称Megamin具有强抗癌作用。本文以Megamin为范例讨论较高的神经认知功能例如希望、信念如何产生安慰剂效应,并在缺乏客观表现证据的情况下带来症状改善的幻觉。Megamin的唯一可能合理的作用是通过影响食物消化后的厌氧菌发酵过程减轻胃肠道负担,清除癌症治疗或肝肾衰竭产生的有害代谢产物。本文对大众媒体关于Megamin在癌症治疗中有益作用的无根据宣传所产生的心里效应进行详析。 |