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Erbitux 治疗肺癌待进一步评估并引起股票波动

发表于 2007-7-22 10:10:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国广东广州
<table bordercolor="#ffffff" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" align="center" border="0"><tbody><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#336699"><font color="#ffffff" size="+1">Erbitux 治疗肺癌待进一步评估并引起股票波动 </font></td></tr></tbody></table><br/><table cellspacing="0" width="100%" align="center" border="0"><tbody><tr><td align="right" width="100"><font color="#f73809" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f7f709;"></font></td><td align="center"><font color="#f73809" size="-1" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f7f709;">分子预测势在必行</font></td><td align="right" width="100"><script language="javascript" src="http://hot.tianyaclub.com/hot.js"></script></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="content">??DXY 胭脂翻译<br/>??<br/>??周四早晨ImClone Systems公司和Bristol-Myers Squibb公司发表联合申明, 在一项三期临床试验中,联合Erbitux以及化疗药紫杉烷和卡铂进行抗体靶向治疗并未减缓晚期非小细胞肺癌生长。<br/>??<br/>??这项在加拿大和美国进行的临床试验,有600名患者参加,是几项专门为检验Erbitux对于肺癌疗效的临床试验之一。在这些临床试验中,检验Erbitux联合化疗药顺铂和长春瑞滨的临床试验是最大的一项,但是它的结果尚未得到。<br/>??<br/>??Erbitux是由ImClone Systems公司和Bristol-Myers Squibb公司联合推出的治疗结直肠癌的药物,也是ImClone唯一上市的药物。在海外它的名字为西妥昔单抗,由德国drugmaker Merck KGaA公司销售。自从2004年被核准用于治疗晚期直结肠癌后,Erbitux在2006年的销售额为11亿美元。其后此药也被核准治疗头、颈部癌症。为了扩展市场前景,Bristol-Myers and ImClone两家公司致力于证实Erbitux能够用于其它癌症,例如胰癌、肺癌的治疗。迄今为止临床试验的结果还是不明了。4月份,一项3期临床尝试将Erbitux与首选化疗药2,2-二氟脱氧胞嘧啶核苷联合治疗胰腺癌患者,结果显示Erbitux并不能延长患者的生命。<br/>??<br/>??尽管临床试验结果不好,ImClone and Bristol-Myers两家公司还是宣布会进一步检测Erbitux对于肺癌的疗效。Eric Rowinsky,ImClone's的首席医疗官员在申明中说,我们认为将之用于肺癌的治疗是我们的首选,我们等候着将Erbitux置于一线和二线并与化疗联合应用的临床2期和3期临床试验的结果。<br/>??<br/>??从当天的最低点33.57美金上扬后,在下午早些时候ImClone的股票总共下滑的5%。但是Bristol-Myers的投资者好像并没有受到影响,他们把Bristol-Myers的股票拉高了2%,达到32.11美金。 <br/>??Erbitux found ineffective in lung-cancer study<br/>??<br/>??By Val Brickates Kennedy &amp; Angela Moore, MarketWatch<br/>??<br/>??Erbitux, the colorectal cancer drug marketed by ImClone Systems Inc. and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., is ineffective in slowing down the growth of lung-cancer tumors, results of a large-scale clinical trial show.<br/>??<br/>??In a statement released early Thursday, the companies said that a Phase III study testing Erbitux in combination with widely used chemotherapy drugs taxane and carboplatin showed the antibody-based therapy failed to slow the growth of tumors in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer, the most prevalent form of the highly lethal disease. <br/>??<br/>??The 600-patient study conducted in U.S. and Canada is one of several clinical trials designed to test the effectiveness of Erbitux in the treatment of lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S. Data from the largest of these studies, one which tests Erbitux in combination with the chemotherapy drugs cisplatin and vinorelbine, are not yet available. Erbitux, jointly marketed in North America by ImClone (IMCL : ImClone Systems Inc<br/>??<br/>??BMY, is ImClone's only marketed product. Known generically as cetuximab, it's distributed overseas by German drugmaker Merck KGaA (DE:659990: news, chart, profile) . <br/>??Shares of ImClone dropped nearly 5% by early afternoon, recovering modestly from an intraday low at $33.57. Bristol-Myers investors, however, appeared unfazed, pushing up shares almost 2% to $32.11. <br/>??<br/>??Approved in February 2004 for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer, Erbitux had 2006 sales of $1.1 billion. The drug was later approved to also treat head and neck cancers. <br/>??<br/>??In an effort to expand its market opportunities, Bristol-Myers and ImClone have been seeking to have Erbitux approved to treat other forms of cancer, such as pancreatic and lung cancer. Thus far, however, clinical trials have produced mixed results. <br/>??<br/>??In April, a Phase III clinical trial indicated that Erbitux was ineffective in extending the lives of patients with pancreatic cancer, an extremely deadly disease, when used in combination with a leading chemotherapy drug, gemcitabine. <br/>??<br/>??Despite the disappointing results released Thursday, ImClone and Bristol-Myers vowed to continue testing Erbitux in the treatment of lung cancer. <br/>??<br/>??"We consider lung cancer to be a high priority and await the results of other Phase II and Phase III evaluations of Erbitux in the first- and second-line setting with chemotherapy regimens," said Eric Rowinsky, ImClone's chief medical officer, in a statement. <br/>??<br/>??Val Brickates Kennedy is a reporter for MarketWatch in Boston.<br/>??Angela Moore is MarketWatch's consumer editor based in New York. </div><div class="content"></div><div class="content"><a href="http://blog.tianya.cn/blogger/view_blog.asp?BlogName=cancerbar&amp;idWriter=12889761&amp;Key=291047029">http://blog.tianya.cn/blogger/view_blog.asp?BlogName=cancerbar&amp;idWriter=12889761&amp;Key=291047029</a></div>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-22 10:20:54编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-22 10:18:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州
<span class="javascript" id="text9580465"><font class="topic"><br/><font color="#ff0000">简评:继ISEL的失败,erbitux再次遭遇滑铁卢,分子预测势在必行</font><br/><br/></font></span>
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