我的年轻朋友小李和他的妈妈正悲痛欲绝, 他的爸爸, 她的丈夫, 今晨匆猝离世了, 他才五十几岁.
ALK测试阳性, 是我推荐先用克里唑替尼. 想不到啊, 吃药20天, 突发间质性肺炎 (interstitial pneumonitis), 大面积肺泡损伤 (alveolar damage), 呼吸衰败, 不及道别, 匆猝离世.
我无比难过, 自责. 虽然辉瑞公司行径恶劣, 该警却不告, 可我应该知道, 有关克里唑替尼克致命副作用信息是公开的, 我作为长者, 极其疏忽, 视而不见啊.
w w w.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3278173/
"In two clinical studies, crizotinib was associated with severe, life-threatening, or fatal treatment-related pneumonitis, affecting 4 in 255 patients (1.6%). All of these cases occurred within 2 months after the initiation of treatment. Patients should be monitored for pulmonary symptoms that suggest pneumonitis. Other causes of pneumonitis should be excluded. Crizotinib should be permanently discontinued if patients are found to have treatment-related pneumonitis."
致命啊! 255个试药者中, 四个死于非命.
"After 9 days of crizotinib, the patient developed acutely deteriorating dys-
pnea without demonstrable infection. With the patient breathing
oxygen via a mask at a flow rate of 10 L/min, arterial blood gas
determination revealed a PaO2 of 61.5 mmHg, a PaCO2 of 36.0
mmHg, and a pH of 7.46. A computed tomography scan of the chest
showed extensive bilateral ground-glass opacities throughout both
lungs, despite obvious shrinkage of the primary tumor lesions in his
left lobes. Crizotinib treatmentwas immediately discontinued, and methylpred-
nisolone pulse therapy (1 g once per day for 3 days) was initiated.
Empirical treatment with meropenem, ciprofloxacin hydrochloride,
and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was also administered. The pa-
tient nevertheless developed acute lung injury in accordance with the
Lung Injury Score definitions,and he died 21 days after his first
administration of crizotinib. Postmortemanalysis of a specimen of the
right lung by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining revealed juvenile fibro-
blast hyperplasia, nuclear swelling of aberrant alveolar
cells, and mild infiltration of inflammatory small round
cells and neutrophils. The patient was thus diagnosed with
diffuse alveolar damage, as previously described for individuals with
severe EGFR-TKI–associated ILD. "
这位三十九岁的日本病人也死于同样的克里唑替尼引发的迟发性过敏间质性肺炎, 严重致命的肺泡损伤.
我真后悔, 当时没有推荐直接用AP26113, 或其他二代ALK抑制药. 在这里, 向各位特别是新病友们发警告了. 吃克里唑替尼最初期, 千万千万注意观察有无肺部问题, 有无呼吸不畅, 一旦怀疑马上停药!!!! 病友性命换来的教训啊.