本帖最后由 jaydad 于 2017-9-1 18:55 编辑
SIMON's LUNG CANCER Chronology 戴XX病程疗史 (001 636 527 3762)
INSPIRE.COM 联接: https://www.inspire.com/hhhdai/
1-10-2005 Lung nodule, solid (nodule = tumor) 38岁怀疑肾结石,发现肺坚固囊肿(瘤)
8-26-2005 Growing lung nodule (growing tumor, likely malignant) 肿瘤增大, 恶性可能性很大.
9-9-2005 Needle biopsy, lung adenocarcinoma diagnosis 恶性肺腺癌确诊
9-19-2005 PET-CT, lung adenocarcinoma with positive lymph nodes 发现淋巴转
9-22-2005 VATS LLL lobectomy 左下肺切除(VATS 从腋下开)
12-8-2005 Carboplatin and Taxotere adjuvant chemotherapy (4x) 化疗,碳铂+泰素帝4次
8-3-2007 Recurrence confirmed by thoracentesis and cytology 胸积液细胞分析恶性,确诊复发
9-20-2007 Tarceva therapy without mutation test 盲试特罗凯
2-04-2008 limited progression
8-01-2008 Tarceva stopped due to liver mets 癌生长肝转移进展,停特
10-1-2008 Alimta single-agent chemo started 开始力比泰(=培美曲塞)单药化疗(拒绝顺铂,拒绝阿瓦斯丁=贝伐单抗)
6-30-2009 Cardiocentesis 心包膜穿刺
2-05-2010 Spine and pelvis metastatsis. Started Zometa 脊椎髋骨转移,开始打择泰
5-3-2010 Received last (16th) Alimta infusion, and 4th dose of Zometa 力比泰(=培美曲塞)第16次, 择泰第4次
5-6-2010 Tested positive for EML4-ALK gene/ chromosome re-arrangement 芝加哥大学医学院检测 EML4-ALK 融合基因阳性
7-2-2010 Brain metastasis, multiple 大面积脑转,几十个小病灶
7-7-2010 WBR, 10x total 全脑辐射放疗
8-12-2010 First dose of crizotinib (in phase 2 study at WashU St Louis) 在圣路易斯华大医院开试克唑替尼药试
9-11-2011 Brain CT and MRI: still stable 稳定"SD"
5-2-2012 Mild disease progression, in pericardial nodularity, and in left axillary lymph node. Oncologist Govindan suggests buildup of clonal resistance to crizotinib 心膜结节,左腋淋巴肿. 怀疑肿瘤抗克唑替尼
6-21-2012 PET-CT scan confirms cancer (mets or new kind?) in lymph nodes, pleural surface, pericardium, gastric cardia, and ureter 检查建议淋巴,胸腔内壁,心包,胃贲门,及"尿管"有癌肿. [其实肾和尿管诊断是错误的)
6-28-2012 Biopsy, 3 left axillary lymph nodes removed. 左腋淋巴肿瘤活检
7-10-2012 Brain MRI, lesions grown from 9 mm to 18 mm 脑核磁共震,稍有增长(最大0.9->1.8cm)
7-18-2012 Stopped crizotinib to prepare for alternative anti-ALK clinical trial in Colorado 停克唑替尼
7-26-2012 Govindan says RET gene alteration and hinted Sutent maybe the treatment of choice. Later turned out to be not true - he completely misunderstood report of genomics sequencing result (polymorphism) about G691S. I would most likely have died had I listened to ill advice from an egomaniac.
7-31-2012 Pre-trial scans & tests at UColorado Hospital in Aurora 选了丹佛,哈佛太远 Boston is nice but I can't drive that far, and we don't have any direct flight to Boston now. I miss the TWA era when we had everything in St Louis. I can still do 900 miles/ 14-hr nonstop drive to Denver.
8-06-2012 1st day of Ariad trial 开使AP26113药试
10-01-2012 Evaluation PET-CT scans - CR (complete response) Brain lesions mostly melted, NED on rest of body 身上肿瘤消失,脑中肿瘤大面积减少变小
5-07-2013 CEA 5.9 - lowest point
6-04-2013 CEA 6.3
7-02-2013. 肩骨下淋巴 subpectorial lymph node SUV 5.5. CEA 6.6
7-31-2013 CEA 7.9
8-26-2013 PET-CT confirms resistance in left subpectorial lymph node (左前胸肩下淋巴抗性肿瘤确定, SUV 6.4). 另一可疑热点在左气门SUV 3.7. CEA 8.8
9-14-2013. PD-L1 抗原检测: 原初肿瘤(2005年手术)没有表达. PD-L1 antigen test negative, unqualified for BMS phase 2 anti-PD1 trial
9-24-2013 CEA 8.5
10-15-2013 第一次可疑 抗AP26113 淋巴切除 - 圣路易斯华大医院/ lymph node biopsy (excision) 1x subpectorial/ muscle at WUSTL
10-21-2013 新脑转出现3x4 mm/MRI confirms resistance in brain 3x4 mm new leasion. 治疗方案待定, AP26113 药暂时继续. PET 最高SUV 3.5 左气门. CEA 8.2
10-29-2013 放疗医生建议暂时观望, 等六周后再扫描看是否有继续长大. Rad onc suggests watch and see, no immediate treatment
11-19-2013 CEA 稳定 8.1 stable
12-18-2013 PET 最高SUV 3.3 左气门, MRl 显示脑部稳定无新病灶. CEA 10.7 No new brain lesion, hilum SUV 3.3 actually down
1-14-2014 CEA 12.6
2-11-2014 CEA 16.0 PET-CT 无见异样, MRI 说脑内无明显变化. Brain mets stable
3-11-2014 CEA 19.3
4-07-2014 MRI, PET-CT, Lab 结果: 脑部基本稳定, 胸部有明显进展, CEA 上升至 25.5 - 寻找方案, 找到前AP至少继续到六月份 Result: brain lesion stable, progression in chest, CEA 25.5
5-12-2014 第二次可疑 抗AP26113 淋巴 (3个, biggest 1.1 cm) 切除 - 波士顿麻省总医院/ lymph node biopsy subpectorial/ superficial at MGH (Harvard), for resistance analysis by single-cell sequencing, and also for raising permanent cell-line(s) 培养细胞株 in the Shaw laboratory.
6-03-2014 PET-CT - 最近切除三个节以后, 仍见有活性淋巴节. brain MRI - 基本稳定. CEA 24.7 稍有下降. AP26113 继续服用. Stable in brain, residual subpectorial activity, continuing AP26113
7-01-2014 CEA 20.4, AP26113 继续服用 continues
7-28-2014 PET-CT, brain MRI 结果: 腋下新淋巴节 subpectorial node 1.3 cm, SUVmax 4.2; 脑转有增加增大 brain mets slightly bigger and more numerable. CEA 23.8; 重新联系3922药试. Contacted Dr Bauer re Pf-06463922 trial again
8-05-2014 脑肿瘤还较小, 放疗医生说等新药效果后再作计划 Rad onc still suggests watch and see
8-06-2014 因下背部不便和痛做了 脊椎 MRI, T8 左边等处有见"轻微活性" - 我也正好是这里痛让我站不直,有时候站不起来, 但老医生阿德不给我 择泰 discomfort in low back, had spine and pelvis MRI, saw some activity in T8
8-07-2014 Shaw 医生来电, 已发现我的新肿瘤 (耐AP26113) 测序有检到罕见或未见过的 [F1174L - 有待确证因为我还没有见到具体数据] 突变. 这种好象只在 ALK-阳性的 小儿神经母细胞瘤 (neuroblastoma) 和炎性肌纤维母细胞瘤 (inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, IMT) 上有报道过. Sasaki T 2010 年的报道指 克睉替尼对付不了这种突变引起的抗性神经母细胞瘤. Dr Shaw's team found resistance-conferring ALK mutation in excised lymph tumor
8-15-2014 见3922药试医生 TODD BAUER, 4个试点总共已有11位参试, 10, 25, 75, 150毫克 每组 3 人, 下一组是 250毫克. 我于8-12-2014 获批AP26113 加剂量, 每天 240 毫克, 所以暂时延迟 换药计划. Got approved for increased dose of AP26113 (now at 240 mg per day) thanks to Dr Ross Camidge. 同时了解到, NIVOLUMAB 单抗免疫疗法第3/4期药试正在大规模招肺癌病人, 不限PD-L1 抗原阳性, 但需递交组织/切片-新的旧的都行, 若都没有的话会被要求做活检. 带艾滋病毒和乙丙肝病毒者不可参加. 试点遍布全国. 说明一下: 只要你住在美国, 愿意负担其它医疗和检查费用, 药是免费的. 有兴趣病友, 请与我联系, 或直接找试点单位的联系人. Visited Dr Todd Bauer in Nashville TN re eligibility for Pf-06463922 trial, also spoke to Nivolumab phase 3/4 trial office
8-26-2014 CEA 26.1 AP26113 240毫克 继续
9-22-2014 PET-CT, 脑 MRI 结果:脑转变小,但腋下和肺门肿瘤持续长大,至CEA增高 35.4 Higher dose AP26113 effective - brain lesion smaller, but hilar and subpectorial lymph continue to grow
10-21-2014 重测 CEA, 47.8 - 腋下小豆长成土豆了 under-arm nodes grown from pea to potato
10-22-2014 腋下肿瘤切除 surgery to remove 3 axillary lymph nodes (biggest 4.2 cm in size), 贡献给ARIAD 和科罗拉多大学医院做研究 for research at Ariad company and University of Colorado hospital, to raise ALK positive cancer cell line again.
11-18-2014 CEA 44. 脑扫描 brain MRI 基本稳定, full-body PET-CT 有好转. AP26113 240 mg 继续. Brain lesions still stable
12-02-2014 Severe dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting. Creatinine 1.25, and no flu. Used Loperamide
12.16-2014 CEA 36.5 still dropping 还在下降,AP26113 240mg continues 继续
12-24-2014 PD-L1 antigen IHC test on resistant lymph node sample by WU pathology Dr Novack ordered by Dr Denes my oncologist. Result negative. PD-L1 抗原检测: 后续抗性肿瘤(切除淋巴节)仍然没有表达.
1-12-2015 Scans result - no significant changes chest or brain. 扫描结果: 胸部稳定, 脑内有微小增大. CEA 42.6 继续 AP26113, 新名字 Brigatinib, continues
2-10-2015 CEA 45.8 Asking for further dose increase, to 300 mg per day
3-09-2015 PET-CT, Brain MRI. CEA 49, two small mets in brain need radiation tx, chest/ab looks fine on PET
3-26-2015 radiation oncologist appointment, agreed on doing gamma knife for 7 spots
4-07-2015 CEA 64.3, axillary lymph nodes double in size
4-16-2015 Saw my local oncologist Dr Denes today, he recommends surgery then radiation for my underarm cancer nodes. Thanked him for help with last PD-L1 test. Sad to learn that he is retiring in June and will move to Portland OR soon. Hard to find good doctor with less words but more deeds.
4-17-2015 MRI scan at Washington University /Barnes Jewish Hospital
4-20-2015 met neurosurgeon Dr. Joshua Dowling. One brain met disappeared on its own, but there is another new showing up. Radiologist is having hard time writing the report, and she easily blamed "differences in technique" between this scan at WashU and last scan at U of Colorado
4-27-2015 spoke with Dr Shaw - 3922 phase 2 trial will open in ~2 months in 80 sites world wide. Shaw 医生来电, 告知 PF-06463922 药试第二期将在 夏天开始, 全球共有 ?? 个试点.
4-29-2015 appointment with my surgeon Dr Rebecca Aft, regarding the removal of a number of growing cancer lymph nodes underarm
4-30-2015 Gamma knife, 4 tumors burned. Originally planned 5 (potentially with 2 more), but #5 disappeared on its own. The pain was better than deep dental cleaning. The bad was no food for all day. The good was, I got out of the place thanks to my old friend Lovell's help, and I drove home myself
5-04-2015 In Denver Colorado - Clinical trial visit again, PET-CT, and brain MRI. Still asking for dose increase from 240 to 300, but not very optimistic. Camidge refused to increase my dose. Regarding Pfizer's 3922 phase II, he said final dose still not yet decided. CEA 88.1, axillary cancer nodes bigger and brighter on PET scan, brain MRI information reads bad, but is meaningless because most are dead cancer inside. They almost canceled my AP26113 but I insisted on more dosing.
5-21-2015 Surgery in home town, St Louis. This was my 3rd operation by my 'breast' surgeon, Dr Rebecca Aft at WashU Brease Surgery center. I received emails from washU FMH system - they automatically call me Dear Ms Dai, because I am going to have 'breast' surgery. This time, I had to stay at hospital for one night due to excessive drainage (naturally wider and deeper surgical wounds) and wear JK wound suction for 10 days. Pain is not too bad, but my left shoulder feels like carrying a thousand pound, sore to extreme because muscle was cut.
6-01-2015 suture removed, JP drainage pulled
6-02-2015 CEA 67.3
6-03-2015 saw Dr Denes, ask help with IGF-1R testing. He is moving to Oregon HSU this month.
6-29-2015 MRI: right parietal lesion no longer enhances; adjacent T2 signal resolved; dominant left parietal lesion also decreased in size. No new lesions. 脑部4月底GAMMA 刀后, 稳定。 PET-CT: one left retropectorial lymph node increased in size and uptake, SUV 8.2 (previously 3.8). CEA 有下降: 47.7. 2015.5.21 手术切除8个癌淋巴结, 但是剩下这个位置太深, 靠近肋骨, 没有被切, 现在非常‘明亮’。 回家商量放疗医生, 能否烧掉它。 AP26113 继续。 另外得到消息, Pfizer 3922 二期将在 八月份 正式开试, DENVER 这里有 30 个名额。
7-02-2015 saw Dr Robinson, my radiation oncologist, plan made to treat leftover disease in left axilla using focused radiation. 计划七月份肩部残余肿瘤放疗十次.
7-08-2015 Starting left axilla radiation at Barnes West hospital. 腋下放疗今天做模
7-16-2015 今天第一剂射线 first dose of radiation to my left axilla
7-28-2015 CEA 39.4 The 1700 miles (2700 km) journey: 2:30 pm 7-27-2015 departed St Louis, 9:30 am 7-28-2015 arrived UCH Denver; 3 pm 7-28-2015 drove out of Denver, 11:55 am 7-29-2015 arrived home. Received early morning call from Barnes West hospital while still on Kansas Turnpike that my late morning radiation appointment was canceled due to system failure. Praise the Lord I needed the nap so so badly. Then just before I arrived home, got call again saying system is back working and my treatment appointment is 1:00 pm. So not only I arrived alive but did not even miss my radiation appointment!
7-31-2015 Last dose of radiation. 最后一剂射线
8-25-2015 PET-CT, no result; Brain MRI, tumors increase in size and number. CEA, down further to 33.1. 脑内肿瘤增大增多。 医生建议换药, 用3922. 我还没决定, 暂时继续AP。 CEA 下降可能与最近肩部放疗有关, 也有可能是 葡萄糖胺 (GLUCOSAMINE) 的抗癌效果有关。 一个月前, 我开始加了3000 毫克 GLUCOSAMINE, 主要用来对付手腕关节韧带痛, 但GLUCOSAMINE 是有不少防癌抗癌报道的。 后天见放疗医生及神经外科医生讨论非药物治疗, 若无法, 我有这两个药试可选:
8/27/2015 saw neurosurgeon Dr Joshua Dowling. He recommends gamma-knife again. 神经外科医生建议再次伽码刀, 放肿科待查待确定. 10 years ago, cancer diagnosed by CT scan. CT 扫描发现肺癌 (初诊), 十周年.
9/02/2015 见放肿医生. see radiation oncologist re gamma-knife 2nd round in 5 months. 月底再做伽码刀.
9/09/2015 biopsy confirmation of malignant lung adenocarcinoma, 10 years anniversary. 2005 年九月九日 活检, 确诊恶性肺腺癌, 十周年了. 诊断时儿子才五岁, 现在他已上高中, 小儿子是诊断后五年才出世, 现在也快五岁了. 赞美神,感谢造物救主.
9/22/2015 CEA 27.5 - still going down, to my surprise. My reasoning is because daily 3x1000 mg glucosamine is the only change since two month ago, this must have made an impact in tumor control. Glucosamine is a well known cancer prevention agent, and recently a report on BMC Central described its effect in negating the tumor promoting signal transduction originating from IGFR and through downstream kinase Akt. This is relevant, because I have suspected for long time that my tumors possess IGFR activation characteristics and are sensitive to IGFR inhibition. Also discussed plan with Dr P, he agrees that I can give Alectinib a try, though in his opinion (Camidge's as well), Brigatinib is a better drug. Alectinib compassionate use trial is going to open soon in St Louis through SLU Hospital, and may also be approved by the time I quit out, or am kicked out, of the AP phase 1 trial.
10/07/2015 今天去做伽马刀, 护士要先给钉头盔, 我说要不先扫MRI吧, 居然他欣然同意了. 扫了10 来分钟, 然后两位主刀 (无形的刀radiation oncologist 和有形的刀 neurosurgeon) 一起查了新影像, 进来说, 没必要做了, 两个可疑点, 一个象伤疤, 一个虽然貌似新转移, 但几个月内无任何动静, 加上, 我又无任何明显脑死脑残症状. ‘两个月后再来扫’. MRI碟片拿回来了, 还没工夫打开仔细看. Gamma knife canceled today, MRI failed to detect real worthy brain mets that need immediate intervention. Perhaps Glucosamine is helping, I’ll see for myself if the suspected left parietal lesion from last scan on 8-24-2015 has changed (reduced) in size once I have compare the images of 8-24 with 10-07.
10-19-2015 PET-CT: no FDG-avid disease! 头以下无明显FDG吸收, 也就是不见癌肿. Brain MRI: 1) Dominant hemorrhagic enhancing left parietal lesion is unchanged to minimally increased in size since 8/25/2015, however the intrinsic T1 hyperintense signal has mostly resolved. Surrounding T2 hyperintensity has increased. Overall this may be a reaction to recent radiation therapy. 2) Numerous other small and punctate enhancing lesions throughout both cerebral hemispheres are either unchanged or less conspicuous than the prior exam. No definite new metastatic lesions.
10/20/2015 CEA slightly up to 30, from 27. Acute liver problem, AST 208, ALT 57, AlkP 148. Repeat test, AS 209, ALT 56, AlkP 142. Stop AP26113 until liver functions back to normal
10/222015 tests done at Barnes Jewish hospital, AST 169, ALT 53, AlkP 150. Still too high
10/26/2015 tests done at Barnes Jewish hospital, AST 67, ALT 36, AlkP 135, CEA 16.6 - Good, AP26113 restarted.
11/17/2015 CEA 23.3, AST42, ALT 24, AlkP 113. All back to normal. Praise The Creator.
12/15/2015 MRI: no new mets, stable old ones. PET-CT: two new hot spots on axilla and chest/rib lymph. CEA 37. Started "longevity pill" metformin, based on elevated A1C, 6.3 two weeks ago at MoBap, and 6.2 today at UCH
01/12/2016 CEA 41, discussed radiation on 8th rib and 6th surgery on axilla. 决定第八肋骨放射, 和腋下肿瘤第六次手术. 十一年前发现的肿瘤, 当年 38, 今天 49 岁.
02/09/2016 MRI BRAIN W/WO CONTRAST, 02/09/2016 - Details: Comments from the Doctor's Office: Good news! IMPRESSION: Since 12/14/2015, enhancement involving the intracranial metastases has slightly decreased and no new lesions have developed. Overall lesions are stable to slightly decreased in size. PET-CT, 02/09/2016 - IMPRESSION: Mild increase in size and FDG uptake within a subcutaneous nodule of the left lateral chest wall;
Increased FDG uptake within an aortocaval lymph node metastasis; Mildly decreased FDG uptake within the posterior left eighth rib metastasis; Mildly decreased FDG uptake within left upper lobe consolidation, likely reflecting maturing radiation treatment related change; No significant change in mildly FDG-avid right hilar lymph node; New small focus of FDG uptake in the peribronchial right lower lobe likely reflects a lymph node which may be reactive although metastasis cannot be excluded. 脑内稳定有缩小, 除了将要切除的腋下淋巴, 有这些另外问题, peribronchial right lower lobe lymph node, aortocaval lymph node metastasis 主动脉腔静脉淋巴转移. CEA 49.9
02/11/2016 Surgery at Barnes Jewish in St Louis, axilla lymph nodes, 5th time. 腋下第六次手术, 第五次收土豆切淋巴. 全麻醒来后, 朋友夫妇帮助把我从看护室领出来, 然后我自己开车回家. 我能忍痛, 只用泰诺(TYLENOL), 不吃羟考酮 (OXYCODON). As usual, Joanne and Lovell received me from the holding area after I waked up, dropped me off at the parking garage and I drove back home myself. I got script for Percocet, but no need for narcotics as I have high pain tolerance, regular tylenol is good enough. Excised tumor about 2.5 cm in size
3/08/2016 CEA 61.7, rising even after lymph node removal, suspecting aortocaval lymph growing 仍有肿瘤生长
3/17/2016 plan radiation treatment 主动脉腔静脉淋巴病灶放疗
3/28/2016 met Dr Alice Shaw in Boston
4/04/2016 PET-CT, brain MRI. Brain MRI: stable; PET-CT: progress on 10 locations with high SVU. CEA 89
4/26/2016 meet Dr Todd Bauer, preregistered for Pfizer/Merck KGaA combo trial 3922+avelumab
5/03/2016 CEA = 127.9
5/31/2016 brain MRI + body PET-CT. 影像结果不明确, 肿瘤指标倍增. CEA 283.3; CREATININE, 1.58; ALP, 166; AST 61
6/29/2016 NCT02584634 Study to Evaluate Safety, Efficacy, Pharmacokinetics And Pharmacodynamics Of Avelumab In Combination With Either Crizotinib Or PF-06463922 In Patients With NSCLC. (Javelin Lung 101) 终止AP26113/ brigatinib, 开始辉瑞新药试 3922 + aPDL-1
6/30/2016 1st infusion of Avelumab; 1st dose of 100 mg lorlatinib/ 3922
7/07/2016 study visit - PK, CEA 352.0
7/11/2016 CEA 197.3, CREATININE, 1.20; ALP, 103; AST 30 [WASH U/ BARNES Jewish hospital]
7/14/2016 2nd infusion Avelumab
7/21/2016 study visit - PK
7/28/2016 3rd infusion Avelumab. CEA 96
8/11/2016 4th infusion Avelumab. CEA 45
8/25/2016 CT, PET, MRI. 5th infusion of anti-PDL1 drug Avelumab. Scan results - Chest wall / axilla tumor dissolved, para-aorta tumor shrunk, from 31x19 mm to 22x21 mm; Brain 7x7 mm to 2x2 mm. CEA 19.6
9/08/2016 severe skin rash requiring medical intervention. Prescribed oral steroid pills for a week. The skin rash is presumably from sensitivity to Avelumab, thus 6th infusion of Avelumab postponed!
9/22/2016 6th avelumab infusion, daily low-dose steroid, CEA down further to 8.4, thanks to lorlatinib
10/20/2016 8th avelumab infusion. CT: para-aorta lymph node no longer visible, 腹部主动脉旁淋巴节不再显现; CEA 5.3 PRAISE THE LORD 赞美主
1/09/2016 last phototherapy, now I am african
2/09/2016 16th avelumab. CEA rose to 50.3 - frustration, only month #8! Chest/ abdomen CT not too bad, brain MRI no emergency. Side effects on MMS: memory very poor, mood fluctuates, and speech - too dumbo to notice/ be noticed of any changes
Standard Range 0.0-3.0 ng/mL
7/3/2012 596.0
8/21/2012 526.4
9/4/2012 319.4
10/2/2012 142.6
10/30/2012 63.5
11/27/2012 31.1
12/18/2012 16.9
1/15/2013 11.8
2/12/2013 8.0
3/12/2013 6.9
4/9/2013 6.5
5/7/2013 5.9
6/4/2013 6.3
7/2/2013 6.6
7/30/2013 7.9
8/27/2013 8.8
9/24/2013 8.5
10/22/2013 8.2
11/19/2013 8.1
12/18/2013 10.7
1/14/2014 12.6
2/11/2014 16.0
3/11/2014 19.3
4/08/2014 25.5
5/06/2014 28.1
6/03/2014 24.7
7/01/2014 20.4
7/29/2014 23.8
8/26/2014 26.1
9/23/2014 35.4
10/21/2014 47.8
11/18/2014 44
12/16/2014 36.5
1/13/2015 42.6
2/10/2015 45.8
3/10/2015 49.0
4/07/2015 64.3
5/05/2015 88.2
6/02/2015 67.3
6/30/2015 47.7
7/28/2015 39.4
8/25/2015 33.1
9/22/2015 27.5
10/20/2015 30.1
10/26/2015 16.6 (Barnes Jewish Hospital)
11/17/2015 23.3
12/15/2015 36.9
1/12/2016 41
2/09/2016 50
3/08/2016 62
4/05/2015 89
5/03/2016 127.9
5/31/2016 283.3 [Denver, CO]
7/07/2016 352.0 [Nashville, TN]
7/11/2016 CEA 197.3 [st Louis, MO]
7/28/2016 96.4 [Nashville, TN]
8/11/2016 45.0 [Nashville, TN]
8/25/2016 19.6 [Nashville, TN]
9/22/2016 8.4 [Nashville, TN]
10/20/2016 5.3 破纪录了......
11/17/2016 7.0
12/29/2016 21.6
2/09/2017 50.3
3/09/2017 70.2
4/06/2017 131
4/19/2017 93
5/05/2017 156
5/19/2017 180
6/16/2017 231
8/02/2017 294
8/21/2017 372
9/27/2017 tbd