本帖最后由 活在当下 于 2013-10-13 11:09 编辑
研究人员在芝加哥进行的一项二期临床试验结果显示:接受治疗性疫苗(belagenpumatucel-L)治疗可以延长非小细胞肺癌3 B / 4期患者的生存期。结果在2012年3月31日—4月4日举行的美国癌症研究协会年会上发布。
“在这种新型的免疫疗法下,一些病人出现了不寻常的长期存活,”Lyudmila Bazhenova博士说。Lyudmila Bazhenova博士是加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院摩尔癌症中心的临床副教授。
这是一个标记可见的实验,样本量为75名非小细胞肺癌患者。2名患者为2期, 12名为3A期, 15 名为3B期, 46名为非小细胞肺癌4期。研究者将病人随机的分成3个剂量组进行注射:1.25,2.5,或5乘以107倍单位的细胞。
已经联系上了,见该医生的回复: 必须去美国做临床,现在还有55个名额! 条件是:治疗后病情稳定的腺癌患者,要付医生及相关检查的费用(这方面的费用在美国估计很高)。
The trial is open. They only have slots for 55 more patients before it closes. How has his cancer responded to 6 cycles? According to the trial he has to have at least stable disease. In another words, tumors could not have progressed on the chemotherapy. I will be happy to see him and enroll him if he is eligible. Your major challenge would be having a US insurance. Clinical trial only covers vaccine and its administration, all the visits to see me and CT scans are standard of US care and thus billed to patient's insurance.
The trial is a phase III, randomized, placebo controlled double blind. it is given after you finish 6 cycles of chemotherapy but BEFORE cancer growth back. You have 50% chance of getting a vaccine. There are no other studies at least in the US without a comparator placebo arm.
Please let me know if he is intersted in coming out to the US. I will need all his records translated into English and will need all his images on the CD rom.