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发表于 2010-11-24 22:56:51
来自: 美国
隔天服用特150MG的例子,改善近半年,7个月后恢复每天150MG。 原来每天特150MG副作用太大,隔天吃特7个月后,他变得能耐受每天特150MG。
个人想法,我觉得由于每个人对药的反应不一样,不一定要按药品说明书上的量吃。如易,根据研究,由150MG 加到250MG只是受益人群略多了,但副作用大很多,临床改善却与150MG 差不多,既然如此,我已经知道妈妈会从易受益,似乎就没有必要让她承受副作用而症状改善不大。何况,无论易还是特,如果一开始是一半量,若有耐药迹象后还可加量,似乎又多了一条路。
http://jco.ascopubs.org/content/ ... eytype2=tf_ipsecsha
CT-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) in May 2004 showed cells compatible with NSCLC, cell type not specified. In June, treatment was started with carboplatin/paclitaxel and zoledronic acid. He received four cycles, and had a brief, partial response (PR) manifested by less cough, reduced anterior chest pain, and an improved chest x-ray appearance. However, by August, disease had progressed in the same thoracic sites, and in September, he was found to have a single, 8-mm brain metastasis. He received radiation to the rib and whole brain and was started on gefitinib, 250 mg/d. He had neither rash nor diarrhea and had no response in the chest. He was then given two courses of Alimta in November to December, again without response. At that time, PS was 3 and he was, therefore, transferred from home to nursing home in December. An anterior-posterior (AP) chest x-ray in early January showed a large, right upper lobe (RUL) mass, with 1 to 2 additional masses inferiorly, as well as smaller left upper lobe (LUL) masses (Fig 1, see three arrows, LUL masses not visible). Early in January 2005, erlotinib, 150 mg/d, was started. Within 1 week, he developed rash and diarrhea, had disappearance of his chest pain, but now had a PS of 4. Erlotinib was held for 1 week until toxicity improved, and was restarted at 150 mg, every other day. By mid-March 2005, the only toxicity was mild rash on the dorsum of his hands. PS was 2. AP chest x-ray showed a significant decrease in the size of the RUL mass and virtual disappearance of the inferior lesions on the right. Further decrease was noted at the end of April 2005, after almost 4 months of erlotinib. (Fig 2, see 2 arrows), and further decrease was noted one month later. However, 2 months later, there was slight growth of the RUL mass, and the LUL mass had reappeared, though he remained at PS2. Erlotinib was increased to 150 mg/d. His rash briefly worsened but then receded without treatment. Two months later, an AP chest x-ray showed that the two masses had stabilized.
[ 本帖最后由 learning 于 2010-11-24 23:01 编辑 ] |