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发表于 2009-9-2 09:04:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国浙江绍兴

High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C and Long Time Survival of a Patient With Cancer of Head of the Pancreas
© Dr. James A Jackson MT(ASCP)CLS, Ph.D., BCLD, Hugh D Riordan M.D., Ronald E Hunninghake M.D., Neil Riordan B.S.
(Excerpted from Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine)
  A 68-year old white male was a self-referral to the Center in December 1993. Two months previously, he was seen at another medical facility for painless jaundice (bilirubin was 14 mg/dL), "black urine," pain in the stomach and a rapid weight loss of 21 pounds. A CT scan and abdominalangiogram suggested a blocked bile duct and a pancreatic mass. An operation was performed and because of it's location, all of the tumor could not be removed. An area of the tumor (4 cm x 2 cm x 4 cm) was removed. The gallbladder, head of the pancreas, distal stomach, and duodenum were also removed and a complete "Whipple" procedure performed. The pathology report showed a grade I adenocarcinoma of the pancreas with metastasis to 1 of 7 regional lymph nodes (T3, N1, Mo). A month after the operation the patient developed hyperglycemia. He was placed on the ADA diet with blood glucose monitoring twice a day. After a short period, the blood glucose returned to, and remained, normal. Three months prior to the Whipple procedure, he had a transurethral resection for an enlarged prostate which proved to be benign.
After discussing treatment options with an Oncologist, the patient decided not to take conventional chemotherapy and radiation. At the Center, a complete physical, psychological and biochemical examination was done on the patient. He was an alert, pleasant, 68-year old male who weighed 140 pounds and was 70 inches tall. Significant laboratory data included blood DHEA 39.7 ng/dL(normal, 200 to 335), beta carotene 2.4 ug/dL (normal 10 to 85), and vitamins A, C and E in the non-supplementing normal range. Urine vitamin C was 10 mg/dL (our normal is 20 to 40), and the RBC essential fatty acid profile showed low gamma linolenic, palmitoleic fatty acids and a low stearic/oleicratio. His fructosamine was 313 umol/L (175 to 272 normal) and blood glucose 326 mg/dL. Hair tissue analysis showed calcium, magnesium and sodium to be low.
A blood analysis for G6PD, a BUN, creatinine and urinalysis was done before I.V. vitamin C was started. All were normal. Appropriate supplements were started for those identified as low or sub-optimal by the laboratory results.
The patient initially received a small dose of vitamin C in Ringer's Lactate during a one hour infusion to screen for toxic reactions. The next infusion of 115 g was given in 1000 mL of Ringer's Lactate over a 8 h period. One hour into the infusion, the plasma C level was 3.7 mg/dL and at 5 h was 19 mg/dL. During the fourth 8-h infusion (8 days later), the 1 h plasma C level was 158 mg/dL and 5 h was 185 mg/dL. Both values are well above the concentration required to kill 100% of human pancreatic tumor cells as found in our research laboratory. 1 The low plasma levels of C in this patient during the first infusion compared to the fourth infusion, shows the value of measuring the plasma level to see that adequate levels are achieved during therapy. The patient received 39 of the 8-h infusions in doses ranging from 57.5 to 115 g over a 13-week period, the length of the treatment protocol with high dose I.V. vitamin C.
A CT scan of the abdomen six months after the surgery failed to detect any progression of the tumor. A recurrence of the tumor occurred after the amount and frequency of I. V. vitamin C was significantly reduced so the patient could travel in his motor-home (family reunions, etc). The patient lived for 12 months after the initial diagnosis of cancer of the head of the pancreas. He received no chemotherapy or radiation treatment and enjoyed a good quality of life until the time of his death.
Altogether, six patients have been infused intravenously with similar doses of vitamin C over 8-h periods with no reported side- effects. In all cases, the patients had either been given no further therapeutic options by their oncologists, had refused conventional treatment or requested I.V. vitamin C in conjunction with standard chemotherapy.
一位68岁的白人男性是一个自我推介该中心1993年12月。两个月前,有人看到他在另一个无痛性黄疸(胆红素是14毫克/分升),“黑尿医疗设施,”疼痛的腹部和一个21磅体重迅速下降。 CT扫描和abdominalangiogram提出了阻塞胆管和胰腺肿块。执行一项行动,因为它的位置,肿瘤全部不能被删除。一个肿瘤部位(4厘米× 2厘米× 4厘米)被删除。胆囊,胰腺的头,远端胃,十二指肠亦被拆除和一个完整的“惠普尔”的程序进行。病理报告显示,一年级,我腺癌与转移的7个区域淋巴结 1(的T3,的N1,钼)胰腺。一个月后,手术病人出现高血糖。他被提上了血,一天两次监测血糖反倾销协定的饮食习惯。经过一个短时期,血糖恢复和维持正常。 3个月前惠普尔的程序,他有一前列腺肥大的证明是良性一经尿道切除术。
经过讨论与肿瘤专家治疗方案,患者决定不采取传统的化疗和放疗。在中心,一个完整的生理,心理和生化检查是对病人进行。他是一个警告,愉快,68 岁男性谁体重一百四十磅,70英寸高。重要数据包括血液化验脱氢表雄酮39.7纳克/分升(正常,200至335),β-胡萝卜素24微克/分升(正常的 10至85),并在非维生素A,C和电子补充正常范围。尿中维生素C为10毫克/分升(我们一般是20至40)和红细胞必需脂肪酸的文件显示,低伽玛亚麻酸,棕榈油脂肪酸和低硬脂酸/ oleicratio。他糖胺为313 umol /升(175至272正常的),血糖326毫克/分升。头发组织分析表明,钙,镁,钠低。
病人最初收到的乳酸林格氏液,在一小时的输液毒性反应屏幕上的小剂量维生素C。下的115输液克是在1000乳酸林格氏液毫升获得超过8小时内。一个小时到输液,血浆C水平为3.7毫克/分升和5小时为19毫克/分升。在第四8 - H的输液(8天以后),在1小时血浆C的含量是158毫克/分升和5小时是185毫克/分升。远远高于所需的浓度都杀死100人胰腺癌肿瘤细胞%,在我们的研究实验室发现的价值。 1低的C患者血浆水平在这期间,第一次输注较去年第四输液,显示测量值的血浆地看到,在适当的水平,达到治疗。患者接受了8 39克不等超过13 57.5 115周期间,以高剂量四,治疗方法的长度剂量- H的输注维生素C
发表于 2014-11-3 12:04:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广西南宁
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-11-2 23:46:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 爱尔兰
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-2 09:08:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江绍兴
伍赶球 wuganqiu@163.com
一、 简介
1.美国Riodan HD等(Center for Improvement of Functioning,Biocommunications Research Institute,Wichta,KS,USA)曾采用超大剂量维生素C(VC)作为癌症病人的辅助治疗,历时28年。剂量为15g/天至100g/天,一般为65g/天。其效果包括:改善了病人的感觉,减轻疼痛,延长了寿命等。在剂量达到30g/天以上有转移灶消失的病例(包括肾细胞癌、乳腺癌等)。他们发现: VC可以在人体内取得杀死肿瘤细胞的血药浓度且对正常细胞并无伤害[1,2]。有资料表明,每天输注150克~200克VC没 有毒副作用(In relation to AA given intravenously, no ill effects have been reported with doses as high as 150 to 200 g over a 24-hour period)[2]。
2. Lim D等2005年报道了维生素K3(VK3)的Ⅰ期临床试验[5](在进展期恶性肿瘤患者),结果表明:VK3的使用剂量为40~200mg/m2时无明显毒副作用。
3. Taper HS等的试验证明[6],联合应用VC/ VK3(按100:1的重量比),可增强肿瘤细胞内的DNA酶活性,伴随着肿瘤细胞出现autoschizis(一种新的细胞死亡方式)。
4. 有资料表明,在使用VC的同时联合应用VK3,可增效50~100倍[6]。VC和VK3可增效化疗药物的敏感性,降低一些化疗药物如顺铂的肾毒性等。
1. 肿瘤细胞缺乏过氧化物酶,对VC诱导的过氧化产物更敏感,因此,VC专杀癌细胞,不损害正常细胞。[3]
2. 肿瘤细胞缺乏DNA酶,而VK3可选择性活化碱性DNA酶(DNase Ⅰ),VC可选择性活化酸性DNA酶(DNase Ⅱ),逆转DNA酶活性,重新激活的DNA酶出现在自发的和诱导的肿瘤坏死中[6]。
3. 可以在人体达到足以杀死癌细胞的VC/ VK3浓度,同时不会对正常细胞造成伤害[1]。
4. 对化疗药物的增敏作用,阻止基于DNA转染的肿瘤转移[4]等,阻滞癌细胞于G1期,免疫增强以及信号传导通路的激活……
三、 静脉输注方案(修改自[1])
①    用有效方法治疗失败的病例;
②    缺乏有效治疗的病例;
③    作为有效治疗方法的辅助及肿瘤病人的康复治疗。
由于VC/ VK3治疗目前并不是标准的方法,病人应阅读、理解和签署适当的知情同意书。
2.  预防和副作用:
VC/ VK3的副作用是罕见的,然而,还是应当考虑如下的副作用和禁忌。
①    有文献报道在单次静脉输注10g VC出现肿瘤坏死、出血和随后的病人死亡,尽管只有一次文献报道,但必须引起重视,故应从小剂量开始(见静脉输注)。
②    1例接受60g/天VC输注的病例出现草酸盐肾病,双侧输尿管阻塞,肾功能不全,亦有病人出现恶心、呕吐、脱水而住院者。应此,基本的实验室检查应包括血电解质和尿液分析。
③    溶血:葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(G-6-PD)缺乏者可致溶血,故在治疗前应检测。
④    如果输注速度过快,会导致局部疼痛,可减缓静脉输注速度。
⑤    Rivers报导,在肾衰、慢性血透病人,不寻常的缺铁过负荷和草酸盐结石者等,大剂量VC处理即为不当。有2组研究显示,氧化镁(300mg/天,口服)和VB6(100mg/天,口服)可抑制结石者的草酸盐结石形成。
⑥    输注过量或钠过多,可导致充血性心衰、腹水、水肿等。
⑦    一些个体可能因低钙出现发抖,可缓慢静脉推注10ml的葡萄糖酸钙。
⑧    输液部位的药物外渗。
⑨    仅仅只能静脉滴注。绝对不应静脉推注。低于1200mOsm可被大多数人耐受。
⑩    禁食虾类(可能导致砒霜中毒),慎食脂肪高的食物(脂肪使维生素C促进特定致癌物质形成)。
①    血清电解质
②    血细胞分类计数
③    G-6-PD
④    尿液分析
⑤    病人体重
⑥    肿瘤分型、分期
⑦    适当的血清肿瘤标志物
⑧    适当的CT、MRI、骨扫描、X线片。
(单位:克)        维生素K3
(单位:毫克)        灭菌注射用水
                250(毫升)        500(毫升)
10        100        386(mOsm)       
20        200        772(mOsm)       
50        200                965(mOsm)
VC 10克        天/        静脉滴注        2-3次/周
VK3 100毫克                       
VC 20克       
VK3 200毫克        天/        静脉滴注        2-3次/周
VC 50克        天/        静脉滴注        2-3次/周
VK3 200毫克                       
这些剂量调整至临时血浆VC浓度达到400mg/dL, 2-3次静脉滴注/周。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-2 09:32:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江绍兴
Early clinical studies showed that high-dose vitamin C, given by intravenous and oral routes, may improve symptoms and prolong life in patients with terminal cancer. Double-blind placebo-controlled studies of oral vitamin C therapy showed no benefit. Recent evidence shows that oral administration of the maximum tolerated dose of vitamin C (18 g/d) produces peak plasma concentrations of only 220 µmol/L, whereas intravenous administration of the same dose produces plasma concentrations about 25-fold higher. Larger doses (50–100 g) given intravenously may result in plasma concentrations of about 14 000 µmol/L. At concentrations above 1000 µmol/L, vitamin C is toxic to some cancer cells but not to normal cells in vitro. We found 3 well-documented cases of advanced cancers, confirmed by histopathologic review, where patients had unexpectedly long survival times after receiving high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy. We examined clinical details of each case in accordance with National Cancer Institute (NCI) Best Case Series guidelines. Tumour pathology was verified by pathologists at the NCI who were unaware of diagnosis or treatment. In light of recent clinical pharmacokinetic findings and in vitro evidence of anti-tumour mechanisms, these case reports indicate that the role of high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy in cancer treatment should be reassessed.
早期临床研究表明,高剂量的维生素C,通过静脉注射和口服途径给予,可改善症状和延长晚期癌症患者的生命。双盲安慰剂对照口服维生素C治疗的研究表明,没有任何好处。最近的证据表明,维生素的最高耐受剂量口服℃(18克/天)生产的只有220μmol血浆峰浓度/升,而同剂量静脉给药,生产约25倍血浆浓度较高。较大剂量(50-100克)静脉注射可能导致约14 000μmol血药浓度/湖在上述1000μmol/ L时浓度,维生素C是有毒的一些癌细胞,但不正常细胞在体外。我们发现3记录翔实的晚期癌症的情况下,由病理审查,其中病人在接受大剂量静脉注射维生素C 治疗意外长的生存时间确认。我们检查了每一个与美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)最佳箱系列的指引,案件临床资料。肿瘤病理,验证了在全文谁都是不知道诊断或治疗的病理学家。在最近的临床药代动力学研究结果与体外证据显示肿瘤的机制,这些案例报告表明,大剂量静脉注射维生素C治疗癌症患者的作用应得到重新评估。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-2 09:44:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江绍兴
• Intravenous administration of the maximum tolerated dose of vitamin C produces plasma levels 25 times that achieved when the same dose is administered orally. At high plasma concentrations vitamin C is toxic to some cancer cells but not to normal cells in vitro.
• Using the National Cancer Institute Best Case Series guidelines, the authors reviewed 3 cases of advanced cancer where patients had unexpectedly long survival times after receiving high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy.
Implications for practice: In a setting of biological plausibility and clinical plausibility, further research into vitamin C as a treatment for cancer is warranted.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-2 09:54:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江绍兴
IV Vitamin C Therapy- Intravenous Therapy-Cancer Therapy
IV Vitamin C
There is much research regarding the use of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in cancer therapy. However, most of the research focuses on oral rather than the more effective intravenous (IV) route of administration. IV vitamin C has a significantly greater effect on immune enhancement than the conventional oral route of administration.
Oral doses of vitamin C can only achieve maximum blood concentrations of 220 micromoles per liter. At this concentration, vitamin C acts as an anti-oxidant, protecting healthy cells from oxidative stress and against some bacteria and viruses. It remains good advice to take your vitamin C at the first sign of a cold.
Research shows that blood levels greater than 1,000 micromoles per liter are toxic to cancer cells . These levels cannot be achieved by taking oral vitamin C.
How IV Vitamin C Therapy Works:
When given intravenously, high levels of vitamin C in the blood generate the production of hydrogen peroxide, a known toxin to cancer cells. Whereas normal cells have the ability to reduce the effects of hydrogen peroxide, cancer cells do not have the same mechanism of action in this regard.
In laboratory experiments of human lymphoma cancer cells, hydrogen peroxide exposure results in cell death. When high doses of vitamin C is added to human lymphoma cancer cells, cell death was identical and due to the generation of hydrogen peroxide from the vitamin C2.
These experiments show vitamin C at high concentrations does not actually work as an anti-oxidant as it does when given orally at lower doses, but as a pro-oxidant. Pro-oxidants cause cancer cell death due to the low levels of anti-oxidant properties present in tumor cells. Vitamin C at high doses only acts as a pro-oxidant, similar in mechanism to some cancer medication therapies but without the toxic side effects.
IV Therapy Vitamin C At The Center:
Current intravenous vitamin C protocols suggest maximum benefit from one to two infusions of 50-75grams per week for about 6 months. After reassessment, continued treatment is typically one to two 50-75gram infusions per month or on an as needed basis. Each infusion takes about one hour. Although it is not necessary, it is recommended to have intravenous access through a port or PICC line.
Benefits Of IV Vitamin C Therapy:
Who can benefit from high dose intravenous vitamin C? Research shows that IV vitamin C prolongs survival times and improves quality of life in cancer patients. Benefits are especially seen among patients with metastatic cancer, lung cancer, and lymphomas. Padayatty et al. did a case report of three patients with three different types of cancer. Each of them benefited from high dose vitamin C therapy, as radiographic and imaging results provided evidence of tumor regression or slowed growth3.
Side Effects Of IV Vitamin C Therapy:
There are very few side effects associated with high doses of intravenous vitamin C. A very small percentage of the population has a deficiency in the enzyme known as Glucose-6-Phospate Dehydrogenase, or G6PD. This enzyme is found in the blood and is necessary for the production of glutathione in red blood cells. Glutathione is a powerful anti-oxidant and is able to reduce hydrogen peroxide in the protection of normal cells. A simple blood test is used to determine the presence of this enzyme.

High dose vitamin C is contraindicated in patients with an iron overload disease. It is also contraindicated in patients with renal insufficiency or renal failure, or those undergoing dialysis.
Call for a Consultation Today: (518) 689-2244
To discuss whether IV vitamin C is an appropriate treatment option for you, please call the Center: (518) 689-2244 to schedule an appointment with Ronald Stram, MD; Korey DiRoma, ND; or Beth Netter, MD.
Our Team Approach To The Cancer Patient Includes:
    * Helping to navigate through the myriad of evidence-based, unproven and potentially harmful complementary healthcare choices
    * Reduction of the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments
    * Improvement and optimization of immune system functioning
    * Proper guidance and timing of anti-oxidant and detoxification treatments
    * Clinical nutrition to increase energy and maintain lean body mass
    * Supplementation with vitamins, herbs and botanical formulations with attention to potential interactions with pharmaceutical treatments
    * Reduction of anxiety and depression and improvement of quality of life through yoga, meditation, guided imagery, reiki and massage therapy
    * Support for family members and/or caregivers
Supplementation Therapies Including Vitamins, Herbs And Botanicals To:
    * stimulate and increase immune system function
    * encourage cellular repair and regeneration
    * accelerate the process of recovery
    * provide preventative immune support
    * inhibit disease progression
    * enhance treatment efficacy
    * bolster cancer-fighting capacity
Our Special Team Approach To Your Health Care
At the Center, our practitioners have the opportunity to consult with complementary practitioners and medical doctors about your health concerns and the progress you are making. These practitioners are always available to you as well.
We take great pride in our staff's special team consulting approach to the care of our patients, giving you the best that Integrative Medicine has to offer.
Integrative Medicine
Integrative Medicine, practiced here at The Center, is based on a more caring practitioner-client partnership which incorporates the best of conventional Western medicine with alternative and complementary Eastern therapies resulting in a safer, more natural, whole body approach to stimulate the body’s natural healing potential.
Click here to read about all Cancer Care therapies.
Make An Appointment
Call Nadine or April at The Center at 518.689. 2244 to make an appointment or Click Here to Contact Us by Email.
1. Padayatty SJ, Sun H, Wang Y, Riordan HD, Hewitt SM, Katz A, Wesley RA, Levine M. Vitamin C pharmacokinetics: implications for oral and intravenous use. Ann Intern Med. 2004 Apr 6;140(7):533-7.
2. Chen Q, Espey MG, Krishna MC, Mitchell JB, Corpe CP, Buettner GR, Shacter E, Levine M. Pharmacologic ascorbic acid concentrations selectively kill cancer cells: action as a pro-drug to deliver hydrogen peroxide to tissues. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Sep 20;102(38):13604-9. Epub 2005 Sep 12.
3. Padayatty SJ, Riordan HD, Hewitt SM, Katz A, Hoffer LJ, Levine M. Intravenously administered vitamin C as cancer therapy: three cases. CMAJ. 2006 Mar 28;174(7):937-42.
目前的静脉注射维生素C的协议表明,从1点59输液50每周七五克约6个月的最大利益。重估后,继续接受治疗通常是1点59 50每月七十五克输液,或在需要的基础。每个输液需要一个小时左右。尽管这不是必要的,但建议通过一个端口或中保行静脉通路。
谁可以受益于高剂量静脉注射维生素C?研究表明,四,维生素C,延长生存时间,提高生活质量的癌症病人。特别是看到的好处是在转移性癌,肺癌和淋巴瘤患者。 Padayatty等。做了三个不同类型的癌症患者3例报告。他们每个人都受益于高剂量维生素C治疗,放射学及影像学的研究提供证据的肿瘤缩小或放缓 growth3。
四,讨论是否维生素C是一种适合你的治疗方案,请致电中心:(518)689-2244安排与罗纳德Stram博士的任命; Korey DiRoma,钕;或贝思Netter的医学博士。
呼叫纳丁或4月在位于518.689中心。 2244预约或点击这里通过电子邮件联系我们。
1。 Padayatty律政司司长,孙华,王勇,里奥丹高清,休伊特钐,卡茨甲,韦斯利机关,莱文米维生素C药代动力学:口服和静脉注射使用的影响。安实习生杂志。 2004年4月6日,140(7):533 - 7。
2。陈强,Espey毫克,克里希纳三菱商事,米切尔JB,Corpe处长,巴特纳遗传资源,Shacter的位置,列文米药理抗坏血酸浓度选择性地杀死癌细胞:作为前体药物提供过氧化氢的组织采取行动。进程内Natl ACAD的科学美答:2005年9月20日,102(38):13604 - 9。收稿日期:2005年9月12日。
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[ 本帖最后由 ygswb 于 2009-9-2 09:55 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-2 10:42:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江绍兴
High Dose Vitamin C Is Safe For Cancer Patients
Main Category: Cancer / Oncology
Article Date: 19 Mar 2006 - 0:00 PDT
Scientists from the RECNAC II project have published findings that verify the safety of high dose intravenous vitamin C. In this study, published in the Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal, vol. 24 (4): 269-276, a phase one clinical trial with 24 terminal cancer patients receiving between ten and sixty grams of sodium ascorbate daily for eight weeks, adverse effects were reportedly minor. "The results presented in this manuscript should allay fears about the safety of 'mega-dose' vitamin C," said Dr. Joseph Casciari, co-author of the manuscript.
This research comes on the heels of independent studies demonstrating efficacy of high dose vitamin C against tumor cells in experimental tumor models. Moreover, recently published case studies suggest that high dose intravenous vitamin C can be an effective clinical modality against cancer (RECNAC II, March 2000, and National Institutes of Health (NIH), September 2005).
Intravenous vitamin C therapy has been a cornerstone of research at The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning International (CIHFI), www.brightspot.org . Dr. Michael J. Gonzalez, RECNAC II Director, stated, "This is our second publication involving human subjects showing the safety and utility of intravenous vitamin C. We are very happy with the results. We envision the use of vitamin C as part of the conventional treatment of cancer in the near future. This historic study brings Dr. Hugh Riordan's ideas and research to a full circle; it validates his work for the past thirty years."
The study was funded by the Lincoln Family Foundation and conducted collaboratively by the University of Nebraska, The University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, and The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning International in Wichita, KS (CIHFI). CIHFI, a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization, was founded by Hugh Riordan, M.D., in 1975 and has four divisions: clinical, research, education, and laboratory.
Every year at least 1.4 million cases of cancer will be diagnosed. Many current cancer therapies, including chemotherapy and radiation, can cause undesirable side effects and complications. "The Hippocratic Oath that expresses the idea to 'first, do no harm' is not only a part of our treatment plan for patients, but also drives our research projects," stated Ron Hunninghake, M.D., Chief Medical Officer.

文章日期:2006年3月19号- 0:00秒
从RECNAC二期项目科学家公布了调查结果,确认在这项研究中大剂量静脉注射维生素C的安全,在波多黎各卫生科学杂志,第一卷出版。 24(4):269-276,一个阶段一个晚期癌症的24和10之间的钠六○克接受抗坏血酸8个星期每天患者的临床试验,据说不利影响轻微。 “这个结果应该手稿提出消除对'安全,高剂量'维生素C的担忧,说:”李约瑟博士卡夏里,共同手稿的作者。
这项研究是由林肯家庭基金会,并进行了由内布拉斯加大学协作,波多黎各大学医学校区,并在威奇托中心运作的国际人权改善,堪萨斯州(CIHFI)。 CIHFI,一个非营利性的501(c)(3)组织,是由休里奥丹,医学博士,1975年,在四个部门:临床,科研,教育和实验室。
每年至少有140万癌症病例将被诊断。当前许多癌症疗法,包括化疗和放疗,可引起不良的副作用和并发症。 “希波克拉底誓言,表达了想法的第一个,不伤害'不仅是我们对患者的治疗计划的一部分,而且也推动我们的研究项目,说:”罗恩Hunninghake,医学博士,首席医疗官。
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