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发表于 2013-10-23 16:21:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海
周末在上海听了个讲座, 说日本20年来广泛使用从多类菌内提取生产的AHCC和GCP作为癌症辅助治疗, 效果不错。美国也有AHCC产品, 是营养保健品。 



发表于 2013-11-9 23:31:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
•By Momto2nics
•Reply 4395169 · In reply to 4393005 by goanna
•August 18, 2013 at 8:21 pm
I have a friend who's a doctor in California.
His father passed away of metastatic cancer and he promised him he would devote himself to cancer patients.
When I contacted him he said cancer is 'manageable' and he advised me to read "Beating Cancer with Nutrition" by Patrick Quillin PHD, RD, CNS.
I did, in about 3 days. Very good book and it makes a lot of sense.
I steer away from recommending the book on the site as I've seen others scrutinized and criticized for the 'nutritional' approach.
I wont debate anyone. I simply don't want to. I believe to each his own and I tend to keep things to myself unless I'm asked.
I'm not into organic, I've never been a big believer in supplements, vitamins, etc. but the book fed my thoughts.
My Dad follows much of the diet in the book.
He takes curcumin, AHCC, cod liver oil, Betamax and Proboost. You can Google those to get more information. He visited a nutritionist who also treats cancer patients who suggested more supplements according to any deficiencies he had.
Basically its about building and strengthening the good cells to fight the cancer cells and to tolerate the chemo.
Steve (Helieye) is a big believer in the Chinese mushrooms and his profile is very interesting. He and SlimeSnake have done tons of research which they've shared with me.
I cant say for sure the diet and supplements have shrunk my Dad's tumors anymore than I can say the chemo has done it.
I do believe his supplements have kept his WBCs,NKs, etc. very good. And I believe its helped him tolerate the chemo as well as he has.
As my doctor friend said, its all about education.
I don't know if you can order from Amazon.com but they have a decent selection of brands. My Dad's using Olympian Labs AHCC. I'm not sure what's available to you in Australian but I would recommend trying it.
发表于 2014-8-5 14:50:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东威海
发表于 2014-8-22 09:30:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东青岛
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