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发表于 2012-10-3 06:45:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏南京
发布时间:2012-10-02 23:06  
Honored as America's Leading Experts on Adjuvant Chemotherapy & Breast Cancer (Breast Neoplasm), Dr. Swain has an international reputation as a leading authority both in the emergent field of inflammatory breast cancer treatment and in the treatment of early breast cancer with 28 years of medical experience and practices in Internal Medicine. Her research interests include Adjuvant Chemotherapy, Breast Cancer, Adenocarcinoma, Local Neoplasm Recurrence, pathologic Neovascularization, Peripheral Nervous System Diseases, and Segmental Mastectomy. She is now the Medical Director of the Washington Cancer Institute of the Washington Hospital Center and Professor of Medicine at Georgetown University. She will give a keynote speech on “the treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer”

作为现任ASCO主席,Sandra M. Swain教授是美国辅助化疗和乳腺癌方面的顶级专家,誉满国际。她在本届CSCO大会上就“HER2阳性乳腺癌的治疗”做了报告。会后,Sandra M. Swain教授接受丁香园记者采访,认为CSCO可针对中国人群进行更多对不同药物的吸收以及药效的临床试验;而中国肿瘤研究取得的进展方面,Swain教授提到中国医师不仅努力致力于肿瘤的临床治疗,在肿瘤研究以及临床试验方面也有所建树;而作为成功女性的典范,Swain教授表示对医学界女性医务工作者、医学生的增加感到欣慰;当丁香园记者提及对年轻医生有什么期望时,Swain教授谈到她本人对肿瘤研究、医疗事业的热爱原因——有机会全程、完整地治疗病人最终帮助病人渡过难关,Swain希望医务工作者保持对工作的激情,认为肿瘤研究在过去几十年内已经有了很大的成就,而在接下来的二三十年也将会有很大的突破,所以鼓励更多医生及医学生致力肿瘤研究。

丁香园:As the president of ASCO, what aspects do you think CSCO needs to improve and what progress do you think Chinese Oncology research has achieved?

Swain教授:One of them is that clinical trial in the Chinese population needs to be increased in drug study, considering the difference in metabolism and effects of drugs in different patient population. Every population like Asian, American, African and Caucasian is all different. It is important to that Chinese physicians participate in these clinical trials and there is a very low participation right now compared to that of European and US.

It is obvious that the Chinese physicians are working very hard not only clinically, but also towards clinical trial as well as at the laboratory. They are also working at different aspects of cancer. Together with Dr. Qin, we’ve also been working on “@China”, clinical trial development in China. So there has been a lot of progress.

丁香园:There are more and more outstanding female doctors achieving great success in their career like you. What would you say to them?

Swain教授:It is very exciting to see many young women involved in cancer research, in treating patients. Many more women are going into medical school and then becoming doctors. So it is great to see many young women having this career which is important to me. I’ve been a mentor for young women.

丁香园:What are your kind suggestions and expectations for Chinese young doctors or medical students?

Swain教授:There is nothing more exciting to me than to take care of a whole person. That is why I love oncology. It is not just doing one procedure like cardiac catheterization; it is taking care of the whole patient. So we treat the whole patient, look at other things like their bones and their hearts and how our treatments affect them. So I think it is very exciting, very rewarding and gratifying to be able to help people in the very difficult time in their life.

So my suggestion is to follow your passion and be excited about what you do. More young people should have their voice heard and really work with people around like their mentors and try to come up with suggestions to make it better. Realize that in cancer, we have made progress over the last decades, but still more progress needs to be made, as the number of people with cancer will increase dramatically over the next 20 to 30 years, because as we live older, more people may get cancer so there is many more cases not own a cure. Therefore we have to always keep it in mind that we need to make progress with every patient. We need to ask them questions, put them in trial and really investigate the tumor. I think more and more will be looking at the genes of all the tumors for every patient.
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