以下是引用球在2008-8-30 9:07:06的发言:
Patients and Methods | Patients. Eighteen adults with metastatic solid tumors exhibiting measurable disease, life expectancy of 3 or more months, and at least 60% Karnofsky performance status were enrolled. We excluded patients with effusions or bone marrow involvement as the only manifestations of disease and those who had severe intercurrent illness requiring intensive management or were transfusion dependent. Patients had to have recovered from previous toxicities and had to meet the following requirements for laboratory parameters: (a) WBC 3,000/mm3; (b) absolute neutrophil count 1,200/mm3; (c) Hct 27%; (d) hemoglobin 8.0 g/dl; (e) platelet count 80,000/mm3; (f) bilirubin 2.0 mg/dl; (g) aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase 4 times the upper limit of institutional norm; (h) serum creatinine < 1.8 mg/dl or calculated creatinine clearance 55 ml/min; (i) calcium < 11.0; (j) albumin 2.5 g/dl; (k) prothrombin time 13 s; and (l) partial thromboplastin time 35 s. Other requirements were demonstrable progression of disease in the previous 3 months after standard treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and/or immunotherapy or progressive disease after declining conventional treatment modalities.
Treatment Schema: Doses and Escalation. Three dose regimens were evaluated. All dose levels consisted of 20 mg of TM given three times daily with meals plus an escalating (levels I, II, and III) in-between meals dose given three times daily for a total of six doses/day. Loading dose levels I, II, and III provided TM at 10, 15, and 20 mg, three times daily between meals, respectively, in addition to the three doses of 20 mg each given with meals at all dose levels.
Baseline Cp was taken as the nearest Cp measurement to day 1 of treatment (including day 1) because blood was drawn before TM treatment from all patients. The target Cp reduction was defined as 20% of baseline Cp. Due to Cp assay variability of approximately 2% at this institution, a change of Cp to 22% of baseline was considered as achieving the desired reduction of copper. In addition, if the absolute Cp was less than 5 mg/dl, then the patient was considered as having reached the target Cp. No patient reached the 5 mg/dl target without also being at least 78% reduced from baseline. After reaching the target copper-deficient state, TM doses were individually tailored to maintain Cp within a target window of 70–90% reduction from baseline.
Six patients were to be enrolled at each dose level. After four patients were enrolled at level I, if one patient experienced dose-limiting toxicity (defined as Hct < 80% of baseline), two more patients were enrolled at level I. If no dose-limiting toxicity was observed, patients were enrolled at the next dose level. Treatment was allowed to continue beyond induction of target copper deficiency if the patients experienced a partial or complete clinical response or achieved clinical stable disease by the following definitions. Complete response is the disappearance of all clinical and laboratory signs and symptoms of active disease; partial response is a 50% or greater reduction in the size of measurable lesions defined by the sum of the products of the longest perpendicular diameters of the lesions, with no new lesions or lesions increasing in size. Minor response is a 25–49% reduction in the sum of the products of the longest perpendicular diameters of one or more measurable lesions, no increase in size of any lesions, and no new lesions; stable disease is any change in tumor measurements not represented by the criteria for response or progressive disease; progressive disease is an increase of 25% or more in the sum of the products of the longest perpendicular diameters of any measurable indicator lesions compared with the smallest previous measurement or appearance of a new lesion. Because copper deficiency is not a cytotoxic treatment modality, the patients who provide information about the efficacy of TM for long-term therapy in this population of patients with advanced cancer are primarily those who remained within the target Cp window of 20 ?10% of baseline for over 90 days without disease progression.
Monitoring of Copper Status. A method was required to monitor copper status easily and reliably, so that the TM dose could be adjusted appropriately during this trial. With TM administration, serum copper is not a useful measure of total body copper because the TM-copper-albumin complex is not rapidly cleared, and the total serum copper (including the fraction bound to the TM-protein complex) actually increases during TM therapy (34, 35, 36) . The serum Cp level obtained weekly was used as a surrogate measure of total body copper status. Cp was measured by the oxidase method; the Cp measurements were made by nethelometry (differential light scattering from a colored or turbid case solution with respect to a control solution) using an automated system and reagents available commercially (Beckman Instruments, Inc., Fullerton, CA). The serum Cp level is controlled by Cp synthesis by the liver, which, in turn, is determined by copper availability to the liver (38) . Thus, as total body copper is reduced, the serum Cp level is proportionately reduced. The serum Cp level is in the range of 20–35 and 30–65 mg/dl for normal controls and cancer patients, respectively. Our objective was to reduce Cp to 20% of baseline and to maintain this level, within a window spanned by 20 ?10% of baseline Cp, with typical Cp values in the range of 7–12 mg/dl. Because there appears to be no untoward clinical effects from this degree of copper reduction, we have termed this level of copper deficiency "chemical copper deficiency." The first indication of true clinical copper deficiency is a reduction in blood cell counts, primarily anemia, because copper is required for heme synthesis as well as cellular proliferation (36) . Thus, the copper deficiency objective of this trial was to reduce the Cp to 20% of baseline without decreasing the patient's Hct or WBC to below 80% of baseline value at entry.
Toxicity, Follow-Up, and Disease Evaluation. Complete blood counts, liver and renal function tests, urinalyses, and Cp level were performed weekly for 16 weeks and then performed biweekly at the clinical laboratories of the University of Michigan Health System or at other affiliated certified laboratories. Physical examinations and evaluations of toxicity were carried out every 2 weeks for 8 weeks and then performed every 4 weeks for the duration of therapy. Toxicity was evaluated using the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria. Extent of disease was evaluated at entry, at the point of achievement of copper deficiency (defined as Cp 20% of baseline), and every 10–12 weeks thereafter. CAT or magnetic resonance imaging was used as appropriate for conventional measurement of disease at all known sites and for evaluation of any potential new sites of disease. Angiogenesis-sensitive ultrasound with three-dimensional Doppler analyses was used in select cases as an adjunct to conventional imaging to evaluate blood flow to the tumors at different time points.
TM Preparation and Storage. TM was purchased in bulk lots suitable for human administration (Aldrich Chemical Company, Milwaukee, WI). Because TM is slowly degraded when exposed to air (oxygen replaces the sulfur in the molecule, rendering it inactive; Refs. 34, 35, 36 ), it was stored in 100-g lots under argon. At the time a prescription was written, the appropriate dose of TM was placed in gelatin capsules by research pharmacists at the University of Michigan Health System. Previously, we had shown that TM dispensed in such capsules retained at least 90% of its potency for 8 weeks (34) . Thus, TM was dispensed to each patient in 8-week installments throughout the trial.
Measurement of Blood Flow. Blood flow was measured by ultrasound in select patients with accessible lesions at the time they became copper deficient and at variable intervals of 8–16 weeks thereafter. Three-dimensional scanning was performed on a GE Logiq 700 ultrasound system, with the 739 L, 7.5 MHz linear array scanhead. The scanning and vascularity quantification techniques were as described previously by the authors (39 , 40) . |